The Godfather 4 (2025)
After the death of Michael Corleone, Vincent Mancini (Andy García) officially took power and became the head of the Corleone family. However, despite being a ruthless and powerful man, Vincent realized that the era of the old mafia was gradually fading. He had to face the new generation of mafia – transnational criminal organizations with more sophisticated ways of operating, from drug trafficking to money laundering through financial technology. Can Vincent keep the family in the new era or will it fail under the pressure of the modern world?

With the rise of the Eastern European, Russian and Mexican mafia, the Corleone family faces a more formidable foe than ever. A secret war is brewing as Russian mafia boss Anton Volkov expands his power in the United States, challenging the Corleone family’s status. Vincent is forced to make a choice: ally with old enemies to fight the new forces or watch his empire torn apart from within.
One of the most shocking plot twists could be the appearance of a mysterious son that Michael Corleone has never revealed. This son born of an unplanned affair – could return, claim the family’s inheritance, and spark a civil war between those loyal to Vincent and those who want to change the family in new ways.
Connie Corleone (Talia Shire), who survived every incident in the family, is now a powerful figure in the shadows. She holds the secrets of Michael, Santino and Fredo’s crimes, and could use them to manipulate Vincent or save the family from collapse. But can she prevent the mistakes of the past from being repeated, or will she decide the fate of the Corleone family?
The Godfather 4 could end with a bloody purge, where Vincent tries to protect his family but realizes that the old-fashioned mafia has no place in the modern age. The question is: will Vincent accept his fate, or will he fight to the death to keep the Corleone legend alive?
If The Godfather 4 does come out, it will have to combine the classic spirit of the original series with the dark modern underbelly of today’s crime world. With new forces, dangerous conspiracies and life-or-death decisions, this film could be an epic conclusion to the Corleone family’s multi-generational saga.